Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Thousands of Mornings

Her heart pulsed behind a towering castle wall. Confined on the shore beyond walls of stone, a queen waited, unsure but hopeful that she would one day meet her king.

He stood tall in his ship as it glided through the expansive waters, bringing him nearer. When he dismounted to the solidness of the earth, she watched him draw his sword. Slowly, diligently, he began sawing at the chains, link by link, of the towering door that separated them. The wooden hinges creaked as the door loosened from it's cold, stone frame.

When the chains lay discarded and useless on the ground, the door crashed open and light poured in. The mist from the foaming sea salted the air inside the castle walls. The queen observed him carefully. He stood proud. Strong. Mighty. Certain. He knew, without a shred of doubt that inside those walls was his treasure. He stepped within, to claim what would soon be his.

He stood at a close distance at first. Behind his creamy, opaque eyes, she could feel the heat of fire inside. He spoke of how God had guided him to her and that he didn't know how but he would make her his. Someway, somehow - this was his mission.

Each day he returned, and each day she allowed him nearer. He calmed the fear in her heart and quieted the turbulence in her mind. He soothed her soul with his love, his devotion, his loyalty, his wisdom. His words rang true again and again. “How does he know?” she wondered. “How does he see my soul? How does he read my heart?” He ignited excitement and joy in a vision of a future they would share. He opened his arms, and she surrendered. Their bodies molded, their hearts entwined, their spirits lifted.

He was the one she had called forth. She was the one he had been seeking.

And the walls came crumbling down until all that was left between them was the wind. A rustling wind that whirled and swirled and, once in a while, took their breath away. The rhythm of life, of love, pulsed like a steady, beating drum. Within him, his fire roared. Within her, she yearned for more.

"I want to love you for thousands of mornings," he would whisper to her. And, he promised to give her everything her heart desired.

And she smiled, for she knew her king had come.

Then one day, as they lay in each other's arms, the wind grew stronger, the sky darkened, and lightening struck. Thunder rumbled and the wind whipped with a vengeance they had never before seen. They cried out as she watched the churning waters, and he listened to the ocean rage.

The castle walls came up and the chains relinked. The heart of the queen sought shelter in the storm that she prayed would soon pass.

Yet, unbeknownst to her, a sharp bolt of lightening had pierced her king. A jagged strike straight to his heart. His heart had been left open, unguarded, while he wooed and sought his treasured queen. He remembered feeling this severity of pain only once before. Though the deep gash from long ago had healed, it burst open in an instant. One bolt splicing his heart open wide. She looked on in shock, watching him bleed.

He stumbled back, retreating from her towards the sea, and heaved himself onto his ship that lay rocking in the waves that tumbled towards shore. As he clutched his heart and tried to steady his ragged breath, she reached for him beyond her castle walls and took his hand. She felt wary of the calm that came with the aftermath of the storm's obvious destruction.

"I'm so sorry," she whisper with tears streaming down her face.

"Me too," he replied.

For, in the purity of their love, they had freely given one another a piece of their own protected heart. Hers, kept safe and guarded behind the walls of a castle and his contained within the wooden beams of a sturdy ship. But, in their love, they had chosen to open their hearts completely, knowing full well the risk they were taking. With hearts fully exposed, the storm had ravaged and wounded them both. Though, even in the pain, they knew the risk had been worth it. They had gambled for deep love, even without the certainty of winning.

With love freely shared, they realized in astonishment that a piece of their heart had been given to the other. With a parting promise, they vowed to keep their portion of the other safe and to cherish and protect that special piece which they now held within themselves.

Clasping hands, they prayed. And, they wept. For though the storm had passed, there was no forgiving it's presence and the damage it had done.

At least, not for now,” he said, his voice wavering.

"This doesn't feel like goodbye," she whispered.

"Maybe then, it's just 'see you later'," he replied.

"Ok,” she sighed, kissing him softly. “Thousands of mornings...later.”

God bless you,” he said with tears in his eyes.

Que Dios te bendigo,” she murmured back.

And with those last words, a final blessing, the anchor came up, and she stood, quiet and still, as the mighty ship set sail carrying her king into the setting sun.