Monday, May 18, 2015

In Search of Everything Beautiful

You know what's crazy?

What's crazy is when things that are seemingly separate in your life merge together and all of a sudden you have this realization that everything in your life is, in fact, completely and totally connected.

Allow me share a short and serendipitous story with you.

As many of you know, for the past two months, I have played the character "Jo" in "Little Women." (A large reason why my blog went into temporary hibernation.) Jo is a spunky teenager, full of adventure, fiercely independent, and an aspiring writer. During one of the most powerful and emotional scenes in the play, Jo's younger sister Beth says, "I never saw myself as anything much, not a great writer like you." To which Jo responds, "Oh Beth, I am not a great writer..."

"But you will be,” Beth replies.

Rewind to May 5th when my first published story became available in bookstores all over the world. How do I know it's all over the world? Because, this weekend, I received an email from a gentleman in Saudi Arabia.

He wrote:

"Hello Ms. Anna,

I hope you are doing well. I'm not sure whether or not you are the same Anna Lucas who wrote the wonderful story "Just Me," from a recently published book by the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, Time to Thrive. The story, however, touched my heart and soothed my soul in a very positive way...You are a very talented writer and your writing style is beautiful beyond the words can ever describe...You deserve more than to be called a great writer."

My jaw dropped.

You know, sometimes, you have this vision of what you want your life to be. You have hopes and dreams, fears and fidgets – without really knowing why or how to explain them. All I can say is that right now, I am on a quest, in search of everything beautiful in this world. I intend to share this beauty with you, through writing my travel stories, sharing insights, and showcasing my photography. I invite you to join me in your own search of what you find beautiful in this world. And, let us see what wonderful things come of it.

But you will be,” she said.

Photo Credit: Anna Lucas
"Vision Board - 2015"

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