Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Live the Life

While perusing through an antique and craft shop in Stanley, WI last week (such a GEM of a store!), I came across an old Remington Rand Deluxe Model typewriter. When I saw the price tag ($25.00!!), I hardly hesitated.

“I'm a writer,” I thought. “I need this.”

At the cash register, I struck up a conversation with the women behind the counter. She estimated the typewriter was from the 1920's. It was in great condition. The black and red ribbon was frayed slightly in the middle but still punched thick, bold letters onto the crinkled white piece of paper. Some of the keys stuck. The metal joints and hinges ached for a thorough dusting.

“Ten years ago, you couldn't give a typewriter away!” she exclaimed. “I've thrown hundreds away over the years. This one though, yeah. This one's in good shape.” A Stanley native, Jean worked at the local prison for her “day job” and antiqued on the weekends for the love of it.

“So, you're a writer?” she questioned aloud after asking me what I do. “Boy, if you ever want stories, I gotta lotta stories. Always thought I should write a book about 'em. Gimme a call sometime, honey. Yeah, I got a lotta stories for ya.”

I grinned. This isn't work. This is pure pleasure.

Today, I set out on my road trip west to Colorado. I only saw it fitting to embark on this new adventure with the above quote by the celebrated writer, Henry David Thoreau.

And just look at those keys! Isn't it a beauty?

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