Wednesday, December 24, 2014

True Love for Christmas

Photo Credit: Deviant Art

Hello, my name is Anna. And, I am totally in love.

This is that special kind of love you want to shout from the rooftops so loud that every ear in the whole wide neighborhood perks up. The kind of love that makes you feel like a comic book superhero with the power to evade sleep simply because of a pure and profound joy. I seem to have acquired a giant grin that has taken up a permanent residence from cheek to cheek from which a bubbling, seemingly contagious giggle is nearly impossible to contain. I've been praying for this kind of love. This once in a lifetime, head over heels, nothings-gonna-stop-me-now kind of love.

*happy dance!*

Yeah. Love does funny things to a person. Every sense is heightened – you begin to notice the flashy deep red of the Christmas wreath bow; the soft pitter-patter of the cool, December rain on the window pane; the sweet aroma of golden caramels still fresh and sticky at The Local Store; the lingering embrace of a dear friend complete with an extra tight squeeze to anchor in the feelings of tenderness and warmth; the icy light surprise of snowflakes landing upon your tongue, instantly enlivening every taste bud as you open your mouth wider and extend your tongue out longer to capture even more of the delicately wrapped, teeny tiny masterpieces falling quietly from heaven above.

Love makes everything more beautiful, more vibrant, more thrilling. And, this thing, this glorious thing we call love comes in many forms – and often, when you least expect it.

I wasn't really looking for it. You know, “love.” I had flown down (on my own dime) to Boca Raton, Florida to volunteer my time and talents at a major, 11 day event. My purpose for being there was relatively simple. I was there to help setup, organize, and serve over 2,700 participants in any way, shape or form at a seminar entitled “Date with Destiny” led by the world renowned Anthony Robbins.

Photo Credit: Tony Robbins

A date with who, where and a what now?

First of all, who is Destiny? And why the hell do 2,700 people from 71 countries all over the world want to date her? More importantly, can I have what she's having??

Two years ago, I attended this same seminar and, truth be told, life has never been the same again. It's difficult to put into words how a six day seminar can all of a sudden rocket your life along the path that you have always wanted to be on. Are you struggling with your health, relationships, or business? Get to this seminar. Are you filled to the brim with life as is and want more of all the good the Universe has to offer? Buy a freakin' ticket and watch your bucket overflow. The distinctions you uncover, the multiple breakthroughs you experience (and yes, as Tony will tell you, even men can have multiple breakthr“Oooh...”s), and the extraordinary PEOPLE you meet are what makes this a life changing, monumental event. The staff, the volunteer crew, and the 2,700 participants from all over the world gather together for the same reason – to take their life to the next level*.

The amount of growth, love, and connection that one receives following this seminar is nothing short of earth shattering. Hell, make that sun shattering. It's as though life suddenly bursts open with brilliant rays of adventure and opportunity, each glowing streak leading you down a golden path of discovery with treasures you never dreamed possible along the way to collect as you journey forward. Because, life is all about the journey, not the destination. And yet, there is a destiny that has been masterfully designed for each one of us. And, it's our responsibility to live out our ultimate destiny. And sometimes, we just need a little nudge or perhaps a swift kick in the bum to steer us down the right road.

So this year, in gratitude, I wanted to give back to the experience that gave me so much. Plus, there is no number of energy drinks, pre-workout scoops, or cups of espresso that come close to giving you the same electrifying buzz as a Tony Robbin's seminar. Trust me. Pair that with nearly two weeks to soak in the Florida sun during the dreary Wisconsin winter, and it was a no brainer.

From December 6th to December 17th, I found myself living almost entirely in the moment. An 11 day blur of totally magnetic soul connections and bringing conversations to a depth that cultivates a phenomenal understand of the human heart. I shared hugs, laughter, tears, and Florida's grandest frozen hot chocolate. I was finally able to give myself permission to let go of past hurts and emotional angst that has plagued me for far too long. And then, I forgave myself for holding on to that pain. The decision to love mySELF and fully open my heart to the beauty that surrounds me came so organically that I hardly noticed. Until I really noticed. I was asking mySELF with love and affection, “How can I embrace, even more, God's pure love and divine guidance right now?” I had fully integrated my mission into my body, mind, and soul and was experiencing the pure grace of LIVING my life's purpose.

I, Anna, see, hear, feel, and know 
that the purpose of my life is to 
radiate joy, love, and gratitude 
for God, myself, and others.”

I have fallen head over heels in love with ME. I have a lightness in my heart, a skip in my step, and a sparkle in my eye that I've perhaps experienced before, but never fully embodied or even celebrated for that matter. But by God, I'm celebrating now! And, fair warning, this love stuff is HIGHLY contagious. And, I'm prepared to spread it to the masses.

Wishing you and yours heaps of joy, love, and gratitude this Christmas season.

With abundant love,

*An Invitation to You:  If you are interested in learning more about "Date with Destiny" or desire to attend any one of Tony Robbin's seminars, please contact me.


  1. I was there with you in DWD sharing in the glory and breakthroughs as well. You're right, how can any describe the incredible force that is Tony Robbins? How does he do it? He was put on this earth to make a difference, and he has to trillions of people. I now want to go next year as well. Oh and the Frozen Hot Chocolate was good too.
