Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Be a Powerful Visionary

Hello, my name is Anna. And, I am a visionary.

Last month, I challenged you to THINK BIG. Now, I'm not the sort of person to simply ask you to do this without also accepting the challenge myself. So, two weeks ago, I did something I've never done before. At exactly midnight on Saturday, January 17th, I flicked my phone into airplane mode, effectively disconnecting myself from the distractions of the world wide web, Facebook, texts, emails, and phone calls. For the following 49 ½ hours, I went off the grid, dressed in my most comfy pair of pjs, poured myself a glass of homemade Kombucha, and scattered my personal journals, some pens, a few books, stacks of magazines, and my 2012 Date with Destiny (DWD) workbook on my midnight blue, feather duvet.

Then, I got busy. I had done a significant amount of emotional foundational work prior to this weekend during the DWD seminar I had attended two years prior. But, this past December, I discovered a couple of things.

[#1] For several months between 2013 and 2014, I had stopped living my mission and my core values. I had lost sight of the clear vision I had seen for my life and thus was no longer really acting or living my life in the way I should to ultimately manifest that vision. Needless to say, I had been struggling for a long while.

[#2] Once I began to look at the old 2012 vision board I had created, I quickly realized it need a tune up. Much of it was still very relevant, but I needed to reorder some things, set new one year goals, and definitely spice up my relationship vision.

So, that Saturday morning, I read. I scribbled notes. I danced. I drank a LOT of tea. I thought. I stretched. I thought more. I wrote.

I used my DWD workbook as a guide to ask myself good questions. I read through four journals I had filled in the last two years. I reflected, I pondered, I decided.

And, I got pretty juiced. I mean, this is MY ULTIMATE DESTINY we are talking about here!

It is a deep belief of mine that we must, at the very least, ask for the things that we desire in life. Not plead, not beg, but ask and stay open to the answer. But before asking, we must get crystal clear with what we are asking for. And, by God, I was determined to get clearer than a fresh mountain stream.

Once I had written everything down (after hours of revising, editing, expanding, and deleting), I got my artsy on. I grabbed my scissors, scooped up a stack of magazines, and started clipping. Words, numbers, phrases, pictures – anything that highlighted or represented a part of my “new and improved” vision. I was set on designing a colorful poster to boldly illustrate my ultimate destiny. At 1:29AM on Monday morning, I had completed my poster - just shy of 49 ½ hours later after disconnecting from the outside world.

Photo Credit: Anna Lucas

Then, I went through and read everything out loud. My mission statement, my primary question, my “I Am” power words, my towards and away values, my 5 one year goals, and, my personal favorite, my relationship vision. These overall concepts may not be fully understandable to most people (unless you've attended a DWD event), but when you read what they represent per my example, you might better understand. Regardless, you'll get a VERY intimate look into the kind of woman I am, the type of woman I choose to be, and the way I wish to live my life each and every day.

Photo Credit: Anna Lucas

My Mission Statement:
I, Anna, see, hear, feel, and know that the purpose of my life is to radiate joy, love and gratitude for God, myself, and others!

My Primary Questions:
How can I embrace, even more, God's pure love and divine guidance right now?

Photo Credit: Anna Lucas

My “I Am” Power Words:


Photo Credit: Anna Lucas

My Top 5 One Year Goals:

[#1] To fall in love with the man in my Ultimate Relationship Vision
[#2] To write my first novel
[#3] To perform the role of 'Jo' in the live theatrical production of “Little Women” this spring
[#4] To learn, understand, and confidently speak Spanish
[#5] To travel – specifically to spend 1-2 months road-tripping across the USA from Wisconsin to California this summer and to spend 1 ½ months in Bali this fall

Photo Credit: Anna Lucas

My Towards Values:
Anytime I...”

  • Have a heart and soul connection with my Creator through meditation, prayer, song or conversation; or
  • Honor God's creation by appreciating my surroundings, the beauty of nature, and the earth's inhabitants; or
  • Speak my truth and share my love of God and all humanity; or
  • Am moved to strong emotions of joy, love, and/or gratitude; or
  • Feel the goosebumps of God's warm embrace.
  • Remember that God is in my heart and loves me unconditionally; or
  • Share conversation or comfortable silence with my Higher Power, family, friends, and/or my community; or
  • Give or receive warm hugs and/or sweet kisses; or
  • Reach out to a person in need of a friend or confidant.
  • Move my body with intention through exercise, dance, and/or yoga, challenge my mind and expand my intellect, and/or nourish my spirit; or
  • Am reminded what a blessing it is to be able-bodied and/or take time to strengthen my muscles and/or push my body to expand it's limits; or
  • Consume healthful food and drink and/or avoid toxic elements; or
  • Witness changes in my body and/or gather more wisdom in my mind and soul.
Inner Peace
  • Consciously take a deep breath; or
  • Spend any amount of time in mediation and/or prayer; or
  • Choose to rest; or
  • Smile.
  • Laugh so much it becomes contagious; or
  • See love and/or excitement expressed between others; or
  • Share in someone else's joyful moments; or
  • Feel my eyes sparkling.
  • Give of my time, money, and other resources for the betterment of the earth and it's people; or
  • Help out a friend or stranger in need; or
  • Am generous, open-hearted, or compassionate.
  • Delight in the richness of God's love and unending compassion; or
  • Remember all the blessings in my life; or
  • Achieve monetary success.
  • Am mindful of the experience I am having in the present moment; or
  • Experience a sense of awe and/or fascination in the discovery of something new; or
  • Take the opportunity to learn, explore, and/or feed my wanderlust.
  • Speak my truth; or
  • Make decisions from my heart; or
  • Honor and respect my body, mind, and spirit.
  • Find strength to do something despite an underlying fear of the unknown; or
  • Go on an adventure, experience a new culture, and/or introduce myself to a new person; or
  • Follow the path less traveled.
Photo Credit: Anna Lucas

Away Values:

Consistent inappropriate feeling of Worry
  • Only if I were to consistently obsess or agonize over things out of my control instead of remembering to let go and let God.
Consistent inappropriate feeling of Shame/Guilt
  • Only if I were to consistently ruminate over past poor decisions instead of embracing the opportunity to apologize as needed and forgive myself.
Consistent inappropriate feeling of Self-Doubt/Jealousy
  • Only if I were to consistently indulge in the illusion that I lack specific traits or characteristics and compare myself to other's instead of focusing on my strengths, gifts, and God-given talents.
Consistent inappropriate act of Deception/Deceit
  • Only if I were to consistently make decisions out of scarcity instead of remembering that God's love is abundant and that is the greatest Source of wealth possible.
Consistent inappropriate feeling of Defensiveness
  • Only if I were to consistently indulge in the illusion that my ideals, values, and opinions are solely correct instead of appreciating people's differences and using the opportunity for self growth.
Photo Credit: Anna Lucas

My Ultimate Relationship Vision:

Describe your ideal relationship. Write down everything you want. What would you relationship look like? What's the impact of this relationship? What would this relationship serve? What would it inspire? What would it bring to your life?

My ideal relationship is a soul union created through divine intervention. We have a profound connection as our soul's have been entwined for eons, since the very beginning of existence. The first time we meet, there is instant comfort and ease which serves as a solid foundation to intimacy, understanding, and greater appreciation for one another over time. There is harmony and great joy in our spiritual union – our love and delight in one another inspires and brings hope to others that, yes, deep love, intimacy and passion does exist through a partnership rooted faith and guided by God. Our openness and free-flowing communication expands and intensifies our curiosity in one another and glorifies our interconnectedness. Our adventurous spirits and hunger to explore the world brings about endless opportunities to grow individually and strengthen our relationship. We approach life with awe and wonder, welcome continual spiritual, intellectual, and physical growth, and approach life's challenges as opportunities for deepening our love, our faith and our sense of community. We deeply honor and empower one another – we fully embrace each other's greatness!

Because he is fully present with me, I feel adored, heard, understood, and treasured – I am a magnificent and beautiful goddess in the arms of my brave warrior, safe and secure in every way. He is my hero, anticipating my desires and taking action to fulfill them. I appreciate his integrity and honesty, his humor, sensitivity, centeredness, and old-soul wisdom. At night as we lay, our limbs intertwined, we whisper softly to one another our heart's desires. Once sleep envelops us, our
dreams interconnect, our passions and desires weaving together into a unified vision. During our waking hours, we continue to inspire and fuel one another because we have a shared purpose and mission to serve God and positively impact and inspire others on their journey.

Through our union, every sense is heightened. We see, hear, feel and know one another because we have chosen each other. This man is my lover, and I am his. Each day, we desire to more deeply understand one another but more so, we wish to reveal and unmask every essence of ourselves to the other. Because we freely choose to do this, our thoughts and emotions are in sync – a word need not be spoken and yet our needs or wants are simply understood.

We share our love openly and often with one another and make vows of commitment to ceremoniously unite our hearts and our futures. We find oneness in the union of our complete and whole selves. Our life flows in a natural rhythm, and we consciously evolve together, sustaining and nurturing our love through playfulness, laughter, trust, and openness.

I am the wild prairie and he a fierce fire. The flame of his masculine force burns steady and with his touch, the golden grasses catch fire, engulfing and igniting my feminine essence - our love, desire, and ferocious longing for one another burning hot and brighter still. Passion and tenderness swirl in an all-consuming inferno, magnifying my radiance and beauty and setting him free to bask in ultimate ecstasy. We fall more in love every single day.

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